Blog: Design Musings and Other Nonsense
We discuss design, business, web products and other miscellany.
The Open-Source Ethos: Paying it Forward
Over this past week I read several news stories talking about how the Obama campaign and/or the DNC, were handling the technical assets they had amassed during their campaign, namely new software, systems, etc. that many feel gave them a leg-up in the 2012 election....

Dear Amazon: Why Doesn’t This Exist?
Maybe I am unique. No, I don't mean like everyone is a snowflake or anything like that. I mean maybe I want unique things, or like things that no one else does. At some level, this fear bothers me, because I at least try to make good things that people will like....

It’s Hard to Start
Especially when it comes to personal projects, often, starting can be the hardest part. Now, I know this is not true for everyone, but it sure is for me. For some reason, finishing is way easier than starting. In fact, once I get into a project, there is almost a...
Want To vs Have To
I was thinking the other day about how some products and services are just magical. How they seem to know what I want before I do, how they work exactly the way I expect them to, and have enough flourish around the edges to truly create an incredible experience. More...
What Are You Not Doing?
As creative people, or maybe even as just people, we all get stuck in a rut. We seem to go through cycles where there just seems to be a cloud following us around, affecting our mood (and probably our work) wherever we go. These cycles are interesting to observe,...
2012: The Year of Questionable Upgrades
Yes, yes, I know, 2012 retrospective blog posts have become cliche (mostly for good reason). However, there is one thing that struck me about this past year that I do not see anyone talking about. Sure, this past year has had tons of gaffes, missteps, and general...
Ooh, Shiny!
This past Sunday I got home for a week-plus long trip down to S. Cal. The sun, in a word, was awesome, and it was a great trip. However, there was one experience that still sticks out in my mind. It is an In-Real-Life (IRL) UX issue, one of those issues that just make...
Missing the Micro
One cannot swing a cat these days without reading negative reviews about Windows 8, Windows RT, and the Windows Surface line of products. Sure, there are some out there singing their praises, but the central din surrounding Windows 8 is that it does not execute well,...
You Can’t Shrink Your Way Out of a Shrinking Problem
I have had a pretty long history, working with, for, and in small business (even wrote a book about it). One of the unique things about running a business is that you have the opportunity to understand how the mechanics of business work, from an experiential...
On Quoting High
The other day I was having a conversation with a fellow web designer, and the topic of current work came up. This designer mentioned to me that he had just written a quote for a web app project, but he did not really want it, so he quoted it high. This struck me as...
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