MyChelle Website UX Critique

MyChelle Website UX Critique

This is a demo I did I illustrate for a few fairly simple changes could make an existing website much more usable.  Often, it has been my experience that sites can attain better ROI (or other key metric) by making just some basic changes. To view the demo, please...
Cobalt Cable Website

Cobalt Cable Website

This website was for a company I founded and ran for seven years.  This website was the fourth version of a site for the company, and it is the one I am most proud of.  Fun fact: After this re-design (which I spent the better part of three months on) average order...
Warfighter Brain Health Portal Mockup

Warfighter Brain Health Portal Mockup

This was a funny one.  I was working in support for a completely different project for the Department of Defense.  I happened to be sititng accross form a project manager on another project who was having trouble with getting a design approved for a new project that...
Ford Institute Website Design Concept

Ford Institute Website Design Concept

This was another interesting client.  The client’s business focused on accent reduction training for people who speak English as their second language.  When I was working on the design of the site, it was really important for me to make it as personal and human...
Occupational Health Solutions Website

Occupational Health Solutions Website

This client was absolutely wonderful to work with.  One of the more interesting thing about the site is the color scheme.  Now, I would like to say that I just pulled all of these colors out of thin air, but I didn’t.  You see, their office space is absolutely...